Recommended Reading: Page 2
Over the past 20 years we've written hundreds of articles about the legal industry. Here are a selection about individual firms. Whilst we obviously have not used all of their services, we have worked with many of them and can point out general tips for researching which firm to use and what questions to ask:ABS Lawyers Ltd Review: They also state qualification dates which is something that could be very useful if you're sceptical of a firm's claims in that regard. class="infoquote "if someone wants to fight for compensation, their help will be a good choice" "the topic was already closed ...
Antony Hodari Solicitors Review: It certainly does help to have someone very interested in your specific case type handling the matter for you though. They even provide the qualification dates of any solicitors working at the firm which helps to highlight whether a firm is exaggerating their experience ...
Argue & Co Legal Review: Then there will be a fifty year established divorce specialists with less reviews than I have fingers. the person they spoke to simply seemed more interested in their case. The second part of that snippet though is only possible if the firm has enough expertise and expe...
Backhouse Solicitors Review: But because Backhouse Solicitors have NOT make a fuss about it. That's a lot of space to have to fill with words. would make researching and choosing the right firm for you far more simple and sure. It's also pushed many law firms to create hundreds of pages on their web...
Beers LLP Review: If you've read through any of our other law firm cover articles, you'll hopefully know that we do our best to write unbiased information. So how can you tell if a firm has a good amount of experience if the founding dates are not a good point of reference? Luckily in En...
Bell Lax Solicitors Review: So within the firm there will be a solicitor expert in Family Law, one expert in Personal Injury, one expert in Criminal Law, and so on. class="infoquote "With our experience of acting for claimants and defendants we can spot potential problems early"< div> A qui...
BLZ Solicitors Review: class="infoquote "Your case will be handled personally by a Partner from start to finish with expert advice provided."< div> Clients always want this sort of attention from any firm, but statements such as these can also indicate that the firm is a small one. Th...
Branch Austin McCormick LLP Review: The boxes that need to be ticked off for inclusion do mostly revolve around things that benefit the client . We've even seen negative comments from the losing side in a court matter. However it really all depends on how the firm is set up . It's always been said to never a...
Bridge McFarland LLP Review: Don't be afraid to call the official number you already have if anything you receive seems even remotely suspicious. This is hugely important because the firm deals with property matters which have been https: help-guidance protecting-yourself-fr...
Buchanan & Co Solicitors Review: But in fact the Conveyancing process can be complicated and is very important."< div> A quick note on navigation. So what are the independent forums saying? class="infoquote "Professional staff. If you https: office 589527 buchanan...
QualitySolicitors Burton & Co Review: We've always said that you can end up with a 1-year-experienced lawyer from a 200-year-old firm the same as you can get a forty-year-experience expert from a 1-year-old firm. Each Saturday we offer a drop in service where you can come in and meet our legal experts and learn ...
CEL Solicitors Review: We typically don't quote reviews listed on a firm's own website (more commonly called 'testimonials') ever since our poll last year indicated that only 8% of people trust such testimonials on company sites. But it's really, really not. These types of claims are sometimes sho...
Cooks Solicitors Review: They are certainly meaningless, but also often completely tenuous too. class="infoquote "We are a small firm and we pride ourselves on being small enough to care."< div> This is one of the things we discussed in the previous article about good reasons to keep a lo...
David Stinson & Co Review: class="infoquote "We at David Stinson & Co strive to provide the best professional service to our clients, but aim to remain friendly and approachable at the same time."< div> The most common resource people use to research a service provider they are thinking of ... Review: If you see that sort of post alongside no stated company name, no logo, no web address, and no mention of https: firms claims-management" their regulatory status< a> - then avoid them. There are firms that specialise in a single area of law, such as Crimina...
Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd Review: 100% compensation means there will be no fees if your case wins OR loses. We obviously read through dozens of law firm's websites every day and the similarties between the content and the claims each make to set themselves apart as 'unique' can often end up blurring for us. ...
Fair Result Ltd Review: We also know all the industry specific marketing jargon a lot of lawyers use. With the generic words in the brand name and the hyphenation, there are obviously dozens of other possibilities not to mention common typos with double lettered middles such as using 'fairesult'. A...
Frazer Coogans Ltd Review: Making sure you're on the correct website to avoid phishing and only discussing payment arrangements over the phone through the official contact channels - is massively important. class="infoquote "Frazer Coogans Solicitors was originally established in Ayr in 1985."< ...
Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents Review: They then tell the buyer that the house deposit needs to be paid into a different bank account. Why people fall for that, we don't know. The biggest conveyancer in the UK which we reviewed last week has a Google rating of just 3.1 stars at the time of writing. If you've read...
Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Review: So don't dismiss such offers lightly. If you need to check up on any firm you can usually do so through their local Law Society. Sometimes over just a single official-looking email telling them the bank account details to pay their house deposit into have changed.. ...
Guardian Law Review: that they are not as easy to find for law professionals compared to other industries. class="infoquote "Get instant access to our FREE People Manager's Guide before you have your difficult conversation with an employee" "Access our FREE Guide to Employment Contrac...
Hawkridge & Company Review: A quick note on navigation because we are talking about a property dealing firm. These kinds of things are not automatically given to new firms or anyone that simply signs up to that organisation. This is important to note because over the past few years https:...
Hill House Chambers Review: When this is true they will hire a Barrister on your behalf. There are accountants that can help with tax law matters, budget will writing firms, paralegal services, and so on. On some occasions this can mean you're paying two firms for the job one could do. However on this ...
HooperHyde Review: We currently showcase the regular high-street-style solicitors people have come to expect, as well as some alternative services that act as an in-house legal team of their own. HooperHyde is the branding used but for some reason when you type various related phrases into sea...
Jacobs Law Solicitors Review: We know what we do best ..."< div> Coming back to similar names, this also means if you want to see reviews of the firm you need to be very careful what terms you use. A really good resource we constantly advocate is your local Law Society. A good mix of seasoned ...
JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd Review: So what can set one firm apart from another? class="infoquote "specialising in niche areas of litigation"< div> Most Personal Injury matters such as Road Accidents, Work Injuries, Slip Trips, and so on come under the same law title of 'Litigation'. JPS Walker Soli...
KRS Estate Planning Ltd Review: As the firm we're talking about here deals exclusively in Estate Planning matters , this isn't as much of a concern. The Direct Access scheme allows members of the public to hire barristers themselves rather than having to pay a solicitor who would then hire one for certa...
Lefevres Law Review: Usually this might cause some concern over potential issues such as ' https: dictionary phishing" phishing< a>', but with their case range being litigation - there is less cause for concern. Since the 90's the government has made an increasing effor...
Mackenzie Jones Solicitor Review: In this example, there aren't really going to be any firms that say they are NOT going to fight in your corner - are there? So what does help? class="infoquote "When the time comes that you need legal advice, you'll want to be sure that you're dealing with real expe...
Mckie Legal Review: It's not unusual for solicitors to have one or two trading names on the side. So make sure to read actual comments of any reviews when it comes to lawyers rather than just flicking through star ratings. That means more than you might think. We couldn't find any ...
Michael Leighton Jones Review: However this offer seems to be for Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors' whole case range. Some firms even make statements such as 'established in 1881' as if that will make people think they are better than a firm started up in 2020. Comments like that aren't very helpful at a...
Milners Solicitors Review: This becomes important to note because the firm handles property matters which https: static connected-families conveyancing-email-scam-hackers-steal-house-deposit " have been the target of high value scams for many years now< a>. People recieve em...
MJV & Co Solicitors Ltd Review: Just ask and, if we can, we will."< div> Luckily The Law Society of England & Wales provides an excellent user side resource for people to check up on and verify certain aspects of the law firms under its care. We've been working in the legal industry for over 20 ye...
My Law Matters Review: 9 times out of 10 the client feels a property sale should have gone faster or blames their solicitor for problems with independent survey reports that are out of their control. But there are no negative implications we know of for firms having different brandings. We'v...
OneLaw Chambers Review: Be careful when researching law firm reviews though. They often sound very different from regular third party review forums as well. So how do One Law's barristers fare on those: class="infoquote "great communication and outcome highly professional" "exceptionally...
Pacific Law Review: We've seen one law firm get a stunning review that ended with the phrase 'best dog-friendly restaurant ever'. Versus the other side proclaiming their distate for all things stuffy and blasting a thesaurus-worth of synonyms of the word 'modern' across their sales pages. T...
Rose Fendlen Law Review: Another resource to help with this is one we frequently recommend in our articles - The Law Society of England & Wales' website. So whilst an individual solicitor saying they are a specialist in Family Law, Wills, Injuries, Property and Criminal Law doesn't make a wh...
Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors Review: Please be aware though that reviews for law firms are very different to reviews for things like restaurants or hairdressers. class="infoquote "We are a firm of Solicitors who specialise in civil litigation. So despite the firm only have a decade and a half of existence...
Simper Law Ltd Review: But the main reason people probably prefer the third party independent review boards is that they will also include any negative reviews. That means the official website matches using with redirecting you there as well. You'll also...
Smith and Graham Solicitors Review: If a firm has more than one office some sites like Google will only show reviews for each individual office names in the search. But hopefully from the examples and resources quoted in the article below, you'll see why they have been added to our network. Including Colin Sle...
Brown and Co Solicitors Review: To check the individual experience amongst law professionals there is a great resource on The Law Society of England & Wales' website. 'brown and co solicitors london' .
Does this translate into happy clients? For this we always turn to the public boards like https...
Springle & Co Solicitors Review:
Best of luck in your search!
. But there are some sources you can check with. The big difference though, is that a wedding planner doesn't need to know how to make a cake. Every client relationship matters to us."< div>
Springle & Co is registered with The Law So...
Stowe Family Law Review: So what are people saying about Stowe Family Law?
class="infoquote "very supportive during otherwise difficult times"
"She tells it like it is so I always know where I stand"
"kept my costs to a minimum throughout my separation"
"service was efficient and very r...
Summerfield Browne Solicitors Review:
The public reviews themselves are sometimes not very helpful either. This is a very good example of why. On the whole they are positive, however in the case of https: search?q=summerfieldbrowne+cambridge&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&sxsrf=ALiCzsZgtAzd_l...
Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd Review:
There were quite a few negative complaints about the company on the Google review pages. There are unhelpful positive reviews too, such as:
class="infoquote "Easy to find, parking near by, less than one minutes walking from the train station"
"Food and servic...
Taylor Price Solicitors Review: These should ideally - according to us - have a photo, brief work history, a list of specialties, and direct contact information.
There are plenty of things to pick out though that could make a difference to your decision. Two, this also seems to be valid for their whol...
Thaxted Legal Ltd Review: The absence of negative information isn't the best indicator of a positive choice. Two - that they really are fixated on their chosen profession and can eagerly sit around writing such articles!
class="infoquote "We provide genuine assessment of cases and if we think ...
Stephanie Heijdra Review:
class="infoquote "She is a level 3 OISC Immigration Caseworker and a Level 2 Law Society Immigration and Asylum Caseworker."< div>
With barristers being mainly autonomous even when part of a chambers, checking out independent reviews such as on Google, Yelp, o...
The Legal Practice Ltd Review: So how do TLP fare on the independent comment forums?
class="infoquote "very good and fluent in their work and know what they are doing"
"I have been using the firm in the last 5 years and their work is very thorough"
"always there to answer any queries"
Trojan Solicitors Ltd Review: For example, if you've just been through a messy divorce, sued your employer, or declared bankruptcy - your first thought isn't going to be about sharing it with the world. Since Brexit, having a lawyer with genuine enthusiasm and care for immigration matters is not just b...
ULA Solicitors Ltd Review: This firm https: office 607835 ula-solicitors-limited" is registered with< a> The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because they have the best user-side offering we've seen amongst similar organisations across the UK. We are a fi...
WH Solicitors Review: But typically the fraudsters targeting law firm clients are only after property matters due to the huge deposits they manage to trick people into paying into the wrong account. You can see for WH their main lawyer Waleed Hassan has been practising law since 2011. We cover lo...
Two Harcourt Buildings Review:
class="infoquote "We welcome instructions from professional clients in both public and private practice to undertake privately funded, direct access and legal aid work."< div>
Thankfully, Two Harcourt Buildings try to make up for this with plenty of descriptions...
Woodstock Legal Services Review: A mix of seasoned heads on fresh legs.
There are several other things that stood out to us about this firm as well such as the professional https: about#meettheteamanchor" team pages< a> showing staff profiles. Commentaries from other...
Youngs Solicitors Review: It's just that we try to focus on more general discussions about ways to check and things to watch for that can be applied to most law offices generally. We've even seen negative reviews by the clients on the opposite side of a sale purchase who have been told that it's the ...
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